Beijing HENVEN Experimental Equipment Co., Ltd.
Beijing HENVEN Experimental Equipment Co., Ltd.

Applications of Simultaneous TGA-DSC in Pharmaceutical Formulation Development

Apr 17 , 2024

In the field of drug development, thermal analysis technology plays a pivotal role. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as two important thermal analysis methods, are widely used in all aspects of drug formulation development. In this paper, the application and importance of simultaneous TGA-DSC in drug formulation development will be discussed in detail.

Thermal Analysis and Evaluation of Drug Purity and Stability

TGA and DSC technology can accurately measure the mass change and thermal behavior of drugs during heating, and provide a strong basis for evaluating the purity and stability of drugs. Through TGA thermal analysis, it can detect impurities or moisture that may exist in the drug, so as to judge its purity; DSC chemical analysis can reveal the thermal transition point of the drug in the heating process, such as melting point, glass transition temperature, etc., which is helpful to evaluate the stability of the drug. This information is essential to optimize drug formulation and ensure drug quality and efficacy.

Screening and Optimization of Drug Formulations

During drug formulation development, simultaneous TGA and DSC analysis can help researchers screen and optimize formulation composition. By comparing thermal analysis data from samples of different formulations, it is possible to understand the interactions between the components and their effects on drug properties. For example, the melting point, melting enthalpy and other parameters of different formulations can be compared by DSC analysis, so as to select the formulations with better thermal stability. TGA can reveal the decomposition temperature of each component in the formula, helping to avoid adverse reactions or failures that may occur under high temperature conditions.

Research on Drug Crystal and Polycrystalline Form

The crystalline and polycrystalline types of drugs have important effects on solubility, stability and bioavailability of drugs. Simultaneous Thermal Analysis TGA DSC plays an important role in the study of drug crystalline and polycrystalline forms. By DSC analysis, the melting point and enthalpy of different crystal types can be determined, so as to distinguish different crystal types. TGA can reveal the mass change in the process of crystal transformation and help to understand the mechanism and conditions of crystal transformation. This information is of great significance for controlling drug crystal shape and improving drug efficacy.

Study on the Interaction Between Drugs and Excipients

In drug formulation, the selection and use of excipients have an important effect on the performance of drugs. Simultaneous TGA-DSC technology can reveal the interaction between drugs and excipients, and provide basis for the selection and formulation optimization of excipients. For example, DSC analysis can observe the change of thermal behavior after mixing drugs and excipients, and determine whether there is interaction and its properties. TGA can detect changes in the quality of drugs and excipients during heating, revealing possible chemical reactions or physical changes. This information helps to avoid the negative effects of excipients on drug performance and improve the overall quality of the drug formulation.

In summary, simultaneous TGA-DSC technology has wide application value in drug formulation development. The accurate measurement of thermal behavior and mass changes of drugs provides strong support for the evaluation of drug purity and stability, the screening and optimization of formulations, the study of crystalline and polycrystalline forms, and the investigation of the interaction between drugs and excipients. With the continuous development and improvement of technology, simultaneous TGA-DSC will play a more important role in the development of drug formulations and promote the progress and development of drug research and development. Choose TGA-DSC analysis equipment from reliable simultaneous thermal analyzer manufacturers like Henven Now!